Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Sun in 3rd house in Gemini for Aries ascendant in different constellations

For Aries ascendant Sun is the lord of the 5th house so let us first understand the area signified by the 5th house & 3rd house in the horoscope.

5th house in a horoscope signifies children, creative intelligence, past karmas, belly area which includes your pancreases, liver, gall bladder etc.

3rd house in a horoscope signifies communication, intelligence, siblings etc.

When Sun is in 3rd house for Aries ascendant then Sun is placed in Gemini sign. There are three constellation which falls in Gemini namely

Mrigashira from 0° – 6° 40’ of Gemini

Aardra from 6°40’ - 20° of Gemini

Punarvashu from 20° - 30° of Gemini

Sun falling in different constellation/nakshatras will give different result and hence a generic result of Sun in 3rd house for Aries ascendant may not work for all the person equally.

Therefore, results based on placement of Sun in different Nakshatras can be more insightful for the seeker.

Do not know where Sun is placed in your horoscope visit mykundali

Sun in 3rd house in Mrigashira nakshatra i.e. between 0°6° 40’ of Gemini

Native’s children will be very intelligent and successful.

Native will have issues relating to skin, boils and eruptions.

Person will have good communication skills.

Native will have more male siblings.

Benefic effects will be minimized when Sun in the first 5 degrees of Gemini.


Sun in 3rd house in Aardra nakshatra i.e. between 6°40’ - 20° of Gemini

Native will have female child, having dark complexion and attractive face.

Native will be blessed with intuitive ability.

Younger sibling of the native may have health issues.

Native will be highly creative and intelligent.

Native will be a very adapt speaker, he/she will be able to influence a large audience with his speech.

Person with this placement can become personnel advisors to ministers, bureaucrats, public speaker etc.


Sun in 3rd house in Punarvashu i.e. between 20° - 30° Gemini

Native will have more of male children, having fair complexion, muscular body and clear voice.

Native will have at-least one elder sibling.

Native will be highly religious and intelligent.

Native will love to read and research on religious texts.

Person with this position shall perform puja and donation to get results of purva punya.

Person with this position can become successful foreign diplomats, professors, online tutors etc.



Thumbnail Image Courtesy:




Monday, May 30, 2022

Sun in 2nd house for Aries ascendant in different constellations

For Aries ascendant Sun is the lord of the 5th house so let us first understand the area signified by the 5th house & 2nd house in the horoscope.

5th house in a horoscope signifies children, creative intelligence, past karmas, belly area which includes your pancreases, liver, gall bladder etc.

2nd house in a horoscope signifies wealth, possession, family, face, eye and speech.

When Sun is in 2nd house for Aries ascendant then Sun is places in Taurus sign. There are three constellation which falls in Taurus namely

Kritikka from 0° – 10°Taurus

Rohini from 10° - 23° 20’

Mrigashira from 23° 20’ - 30° Taurus

Sun falling in different constellation/nakshatras will give different result and hence a generic result of Sun in 2nd house for Aries ascendant may not work for all the person equally.

Therefore, results based on placement of Sun in different Nakshatras can be more insightful for the seeker.

Do not know where Sun is placed in your horoscope visit mykundali

Sun in 2nd house in Kritikka nakshatra i.e. between 0° – 10° of Taurus

The native will have more male children.

Native’s children will be very wealthy and successful.

Native will can have issues relating to gall bladder, pancreases etc and may have to undergo surgery during Sun period.

Person will have earnings from his creative skills.

Benefic effects will be minimized when Sun in the first 5 degrees of Tauras.


Sun in 2nd house in Rohini nakshatra i.e. between 10° - 23° 20’ of Taurus

Native will have female child, having fair complexion and round face.

Native will be blessed with intuitive ability.

Native will have gain from speculative dealings provided he has favorably placed Venus and Moon.

Native will get wealth from his or her mother.

Native may suffer from diabetes and pancreatic problems.

Karmic debt will manifest in the form of emotional turmoil, native should learn to meditate to balance his or her emotions.


Sun in 2nd house in Mrigashira i.e. between 23° 20’ - 30° Taurus

Native will have more of male children, having short stature and fair complexion.

Female native with this position will be short tempered.

Native with Sun in 2nd house will be employed in police, paramilitary, fire department etc.

Person with this planetary placement may have frequent boils and eruption on skin in their childhood. They should take probiotics in the form of curds.

Native’s elder brother will be more successful and will have name and fame.




Image Courtesy:Thumbnail




Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sun in 1st house for Aries ascendant in different constellations

For Aries ascendant Sun is the lord of the 5th house so let us first understand the area signified by the 5th house & 1st house in the horoscope.

5th house in a horoscope signifies children, creative intelligence, past karmas, belly area which includes your pancreases, liver, gall bladder etc.

1st house in a horoscope signifies self, what one thinks of himself, personality, head i.e. your brain, memory, emotions etc.

There are three constellation which falls in Aries namely

Ashwini from 0° – 13° 20’

Bharini from 13° 20’ - 26° 40’

Kritikka from 26° 40’ - 30° Aries

Sun falling in different constellation/nakshatras will give different result and hence a generic result of Sun in 1st house for Aries ascendant may now work for all the person equally.

Therefore, results based on placement of Sun in different Nakshatras can be more insightful for the seeker.

Sun in 1st house in Ashwini i.e. between 0° – 13° 20’ of Aries

The native will have more male children.

He will have a religious mind and can work as an advisor to government.

This nakshatra is ruled by Ashwini Kumars who are physician to celestial Gods therefore, person who are interested in study of psychology can excel with this placement.

Children of the native will get high government position.

Person with this placement may have digestive and gastric problem. They may have feeling of blotted stomach.

The overall beneficial effect will be minimized if Sun is in first 5 degrees of the Aries.


Sun in 1st house in Bharini i.e. between 13° 20’ - 26° 40’ of Aries

The position is particularly beneficial for female natives.

Benefic effects of Sun is at its peak while transiting this nakshatra.

Person having Sun in Bharini nakshtra can conquer death with their valour and courage.

Male native will have inclination for sensual pleasure.

Peron with Sun placed in Bharini nakshtra will have more of female children.

Native will have strong will power, high confidence, and good memory.

Native will perform religious activities and give donations to increase his social status.

Native with this placement will have high sense of fashion and can make successful interior decorators and fashion designers.


Sun in 1st house in Krittika i.e. between 26° 40’ - 30° of Aries

In comparison to the earlier placement this placement has some negative effects.

This placement makes a native extremely short tempered.

Person with this placement will have frequent boils and stomach related issues.

Person with this placement should have meals (curds, coconut water, lemon water, avoid drinking refrigerated water etc.) that reduce body heat.

Person with this placement will have male children but the first conception may be delayed.

This placement gives high sense of self ego.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Can someone's horoscope tell you what type of person he or she is ?


A good person is someone with a good SOUL I would say.

But let us first understand what SOUL is?

People would have their own definitions and understanding of soul based on their experience and learning. But whatever it is it should fit logically into the argument. Right??

So, we all agree one thing that we are alive till we have SOUL in our body or I can say that we all are alive till we have CONCIOUSNESS.

So for me SOUL is nothing but individual CONCIOUSNESS.

A person with good soul would be someone who consciously knows what is right and what is wrong, who can maintain equanimity, who has a balanced emotions etc.

How can we find these indications through a horoscope of a person? Let us understand one by one and step by step.

  1. 1st house represents self (though not exclusively the soul) and first thing we should look at. Sign which falls in your 1st house/ascendant is our first clue.
  2. Placement of the lord of the 1st house.
  3. Aspect on the lord of the 1st house and 1st house.
  4. Special points if ascendant is hemmed between malefic or benefic planets.
  5. Planet with the highest degree in your chart.(Atmakaraka planet)

But how easy it is follow all the rules at the same time and then deriving a conclusion. There are so many things in a horoscope to look at that usually a person analysing would either mix up the rules or will forget some or may not be able to assign proper weightage to the rules. The astrologer would usually end up predicting the result based on one or two rules which may not give the correct result.

Hence, a point based system is a quick fix to conclude whatever we are trying to find out through astrology. I usually do this for other areas of the chart such as wealth, success, fame, success in love affair, house, property etc.

Let’s now restrict ourselves to the present discussion. You can connect with me anytime for such detailed analysis in other areas of horoscope.

Below is the points table which can be followed to analyse any horoscope. I have done a sample analysis of 3 great personality of our age to give an idea as to how the point table can be used.

Sr no.



Sir Ratan Tata

Shree Swami Vivekananda

Mother Teresa


Sign of 1st house or ascendent



























1st house lord placed in which house



























Sign in which 1st house/ascendent lord is placed





Friendly sign





Neutral sign





Enemy sign







Planets in the 1st house










No planets












Aspect on the 1st house by





No aspect

















Planets in conjunction with the 1st lord





No planet





Friendly planet





Neutral planet





Enemy planet







Aspect on the 1st lord by (only 7th aspect to be taken)





No aspect





Friendly planet





Neutral planet





Enemy planet







If ascendent hemmed between benefic planets





If ascendent hemmed between both benefic and malefic planets





If no planets on either side of the ascendent





If ascendent hemmed between malefic planets







Planet with highest degree in the horoscope






















Total Points





Column 2 in the above table are the rules and column 3 shows that applicable points that is earned if the rule hold true for the chart under analysis.

For example there is 10 points for Rule 1 if the ascendant is Sagittarius.

After checking all the rules and allotting points as per the table above you can interpret the result from the below table:

Points Range


More than 55

Very Good

Between 40 - 54


Between 25 - 39


Less than 25

Needs Remedy


I hope this article was insightful and eye openers for all the astro enthusiasts. Kindly follow and share if find the post informative and interesting!! JJ



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